Friday, April 27, 2007

In Dreams

Remember my comment a while back, how Jordan doesn't feel he should be responsible in his waking state for crimes he commits in my dreams?

So last night, I had a dream that he was a two-timing jerk. I told him of his shocking misbehavior this morning.

Well, he said, I had a dream last night, too. Do you want to hear it?

No, I said.

I'm going to tell you anyway, he said. In my dream, you were selling nuclear weapons to Kim Jong Il, to fund the genocide in Darfur, which you were aiding with your boyfriend, country music star Toby Keith.

(He did not add his standard, "And you loved Toby Keith so much you were going to marry him and rename yourself Natalie Toby Keith." He pulls that one out anytime I say I hate someone (male).)

Really? I said. I don't believe you.

And really, dear readers, do you believe that dream?

At least my dreams are real.


Anonymous said...

jordo=big faker. you would never be natalie toby keith.

Suze said...

hmmm MAYBE she would go by N.T. Keith but not Natalie Toby Keith *giggles*