Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hotel Lobby

After the expanse of our apartment in Buenos Aires, the smallness (what's the nice real estate term? cozy?) of our hotel is a big shock. Perhaps bigger, we are now forced to decamp from our tiny room to use the wifi or the computer downstairs. The manager is very sweet, has already helped us line up at some crazy winery (thanks megan for the tip!) and already warned us about the upcoming census.

The departure this morning from BA was a little weird, as the contact guy was supposed to come by at 8 but got there fifteen minutes early, which was about ten minutes after we woke up. A fair amount of scurrying around to get out on time but I think we got everything (we found our house keys in the bottom of a roller I must have thrown them into in a haste). The flight was pretty quick and we are pretty much settled in.

Sorry, I got nothing to write about. Will try and get more tomorrow.

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